
The Bible Code requires Windows 10 or 11 (64-bit)
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0.12.4 • July 17, 2024

  • extension searches: Fix overlapping terms in node paths causing certain matches to be ignored
  • extension searches: Fix maximum words set to one from being ignored
  • extension searches: Support preceding term matches. The maximum words setting applies individually for preceding and trailing extensions. The absolute max words in a search result will always be `N*2-1`
  • identify terms: Optimize retrieval of results from the ELS engine
  • identify terms: Update Max Consecutive Character Length Matches setting in standard searches to default to 0
  • identify terms: Add button to search terms within the results
0.12.3 • July 13, 2024

  • identify terms: Improve virtual list size calculations to help fix jumping when rows are expanded
0.12.2 • July 11, 2024

  • years range: Inline the Gregorian year hint into the form
  • identify terms: Auto-grow the text fields in User Input to make the entire input visible
  • identify terms: Fix appearing to search indefinitely in User Input if there's an error in the additional terms form
  • identify terms: Fix an inconsistency caused by sorting the English terms more than necessary
  • marked terms: Support drag and drop reordering
0.12.1 • July 10, 2024

  • installer: Update installer script fixing incorrect shortcuts being created
0.12.0 • July 10, 2024

  • core: Implementation of extension searches
  • core: Bump database version
  • core: Updater improvements
  • core: Internal updates
  • identify terms: Merge standard and years search types
  • identify terms: Improve UI for the search controls
  • identify terms: Integrate extension searches, including various controls to help fine-tune search results. Extensions will merge and unmerge automatically.
  • identify terms: User input searches support extension searches
  • identify terms: Color code rows based on normal, extension header or extension row
  • identify terms: Remove skip column
  • identify terms: Display the direction's friendly name
  • identify terms: Fix empty rows not being created after appending from the dictionary in user input
  • identify terms: Fix merging of Hebrew spellings that are the same but have variations in spacing
  • identify terms: Update default years range
  • matrix view: Fix preview animation sometimes going out of sync
  • marked terms: Display spaces without borders
  • years range: Display the Gregorian calendar as a hint
  • dictionary: Improve the Google dictionaries quality in regards to space handling
0.11.2 • June 15, 2024

  • dictionary: Fix certain words with multiple translations not being included in some dictionaries
  • identify terms: Fix searching the English text results
0.11.1 • June 6, 2024

  • Fix handling virtual dictionaries during database migration
0.11.0 • June 6, 2024

  • identify terms: Fix receiving the incorrect primary term length, used for calculating the max vertical search distance
  • identify terms: Coalesce matching results with the same term and matrix position
  • identify terms: Reduce the amount of data stored for saved codes
  • identify terms: Add tab to show all marked terms, opened by default if any terms are marked
  • identify terms: Add the tab name to the window title
  • Rework book loading, improving startup performance
  • Improve secondary search performance
  • Other internal improvements to lay the ground work for extension searches
0.10.1 • May 22, 2024

  • saved codes: Fix sorting for last updated and created columns
  • open codes: Rename the generic tab name if the code is saved
  • open codes: Add informational text when there aren't any secondary terms marked
  • open codes: Fix click target area for the identify terms tool button
  • identify terms: Perform search button in 'User Input' now acts as a sticky footer
  • updater: Replace the popup dialog with a custom prompt within the app, which can now display the changelog for convenience
  • updater: Add check for update button in the app's about section
0.10.0 • May 15, 2024

  • Major internal upgrade
  • matrix viewer: Initial work on viewing scripture occurrences
  • matrix viewer: Improve performance when recalculating layout updates
  • matrix viewer: Fix incorrect rendering when the column count is less than visible columns
  • open codes: Don't save data if nothing changed, this prevents 'last updated' from changing upon loading
  • open codes: Prevent auto saving positional data when focus lock is engaged
  • open codes: Animate marked terms on hover
  • dictionary: Fix global search always hijacking focus, allows creating a dictionary without switching selections first
  • dictionary: Switch to the new dictionary upon creation
  • licensing: Improve upgrade workflow for trial users
0.9.3 • May 4, 2024

  • dictionary: Fix global search no longer working
0.9.2 • May 4, 2024

  • dictionary: Fix entries being duplicated
0.9.1 • May 3, 2024

  • dictionary: Change default to global search
0.9.0 • May 3, 2024

  • new: Add ability to save codes
  • matrix viewer: Performance enhancements
  • open result tab: Fix the primary term display of the Hebrew if the English translation is not provided
  • dictionary: Add KTTB Hebrew dictionary
  • misc: Initial prep work for the scripture viewer
0.8.1 • April 17, 2024

  • keyboard: Add sound transliterations with informational notes
  • keyboard: Add visible key press interactivity
  • keyboard: Support keyboard inputs instead of only mouse inputs
  • keyboard: Fade final forms
0.8.0 • April 16, 2024

  • new: Add on-screen keyboard
  • dictionary: Include more words to the extended dictionary
  • dictionary: Preserve Hebrew spacing for all core dictionaries
  • dictionary: Append now works with the user input search in Identify Terms
  • primary searches: Results now display the end range
  • primary searches: Each range is consolidated to a single column
0.7.0 • April 5, 2024

  • Public launch