The Bible Codes app is a groundbreaking tool that delves into the hidden depths of the Hebrew Bible (Torah and Tanach) using Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS). Initially developed by Professor Eliyahu Rips and his team, expert coder Samuel Grenier has completely rewritten the app to utilize modern hardware and it now goes way beyond traditional Bible Code research, offering a unique perspective on the sacred texts.
1. After using “Keys To The Bible” for ELS research for the past 20 years, with little to no updates, I have found that this new app has made the process of researching much more user friendly and 100 times quicker.
2. The Bible Codes provides powerful search capabilities, allowing users to explore ELS patterns within both the Masoretic and Leningrad texts.
3. The Global Dictionary utilizes multiple Hebrew-English Dictionaries so you get the most accurate translations.
4. Easy for English speakers to use, knowing Hebrew is not a necessity, though understanding the AlephBet is handy and easy to learn.
5. Automated updates that takes only 1 click and a few seconds to complete.
6. Added features on a regular basis, with Samuel Grenier taking suggestion requests for future updates.
I am looking forward to see what else Samuel will be developing for The Bible Codes app, a must have for all serious Bible Code Researchers.
— Richard Ruff